Aldi is rolling out recyclable butter packaging, in a move it says will help to remove more than 10 tonnes of non-recyclable packaging from circulation each year.
From next month, the UK’s fourth-largest supermarket will replace the current non-recyclable packaging on block butter with a paper-based alternative wrap which can be recycled at home.
The supermarket says it is a “supermarket first”.
The move marks the latest in a string of eco updates made by the discount supermarket chain, which recently changed the packaging of its own brand of sodas and water bottles to use fully recycled plastic.
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The latest change will roll out on Aldi’s Specially Selected West Country and Yorkshire block butter.
Aldi also recently replaced the outer plastic wrap for its Everyday Essentials cheese singles with a new paper packaging, saying it eliminated a further 23 tonnes of plastic waste annually.
Luke Emery, plastics and packaging director, Aldi, said: “We are committed to minimising plastic packaging at Aldi, and we are constantly exploring ways in which we can make a meaningful change to our products.
“Through the introduction of these new recyclable packaging innovations, we hope to help customers reduce plastic use when shopping for everyday items.”
It has also removed plastic shopping bags from its more than 2,300 stores.