Morrisons rolls out in-store coffee pod recycling points

Morrisons has become the first supermarket to undertake a nationwide roll-out of in-store coffee pod recycling collection points, in partnership with Podback, the pod recycling service.

The new recycling points will be placed in more than 350 stores nationwide where customers will be able to drop-off bags of used aluminium and plastic pods to be recycled through the Podback scheme.

The move is designed to make  recycling easier and more accessible in the UK.

The roll-out begins in June this year, following a trial in 29 stores which saw 42,300 kgs of pods collected, equivalent to 2.8 million pods.

Customers are already able to pick up free Podback recycling bags from Morrisons customer service desks, but the new in-store collection points will mean customers can also take filled bags back to Morrisons stores as part of their regular shopping journey.

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In 2022, Morrisons became the first supermarket to support Podback by offering free coffee pod recycling bags in its stores.

Zara Safdari, waste and sustainability manager, Morrisons, said: “Coffee pods have continued to grow in popularity over recent years, with many household brands now offering a variety of pods to brew fresh coffee in minutes at home. 

“Picking up Podback bags while doing a supermarket shop and dropping them back, filled, on further shopping trips makes it easy for consumers to recycle their used coffee pods. We’re pleased to be extending this service to make it even easier for our customers who want barista –style coffee at home to recycle their used pods.”

Earlier this month, Starbucks expanded its partnership with Podback, running across all of its 1,250 UK coffee shops.

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