Data: One in four businesses stuck in ‘greenstalling’ limbo

One in four businesses are “greenstalling”, the process of delaying climate action over fear of scrutiny.

Green consultancy Carbon Trust carried out a survey of 400 businesses from the UK, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Mexico, which found that a quarter of businesses were caught in an “analysis-paralysis” where the legitimate desire to get net zero “right” was becoming a barrier leading to “greenstalling”.

The companies said that other areas of business were talking priority.

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Carbon Trust director of Net Zero Intelligence Unit Simon Retallack said: “It is no surprise that some businesses are nervous about how their actions to address climate change will be judged.

“However, that mustn’t stop them. Net zero is all about actively reducing emissions from businesses and their supply chains, and we know the best thing businesses can do is get started on that journey today by creating a credible transition plan and implementing it.”

He added: “The most important thing is to get started with credibility, honesty and transparency.”

The Carbon Trust advised against greenstalling as the “fear of scrutiny cannot be used as a reason not to act” and recommended adopting a ‘five-step vision’ plan towards net zero.

It also suggested collaborating with suppliers and industry peers in regards to scope 3 decarbonisation.

Additionally it stressed to looking at regulation when starting decarbonisation plans and communicating progress with “honesty” and “accuracy”.

Climate crisisReports and dataSupply Chain

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