Sainsbury’s new wind farm to provide up to 33% of its energy

Sainsbury’s has completed its new onshore windfarm in Scotland that will provide up to 33% of its energy.

It will add up to 50MW of electrical capacity to the grid in the form of renewable energy that will be used to power Sainsbury’s stores, offices and depots nationwide, giving a major boost to the retailer’s ambition to become net zero in its own operations by 2035.

The blades measure 76 metres in length and the turbines stand at over 200m tall at their highest point.

Each turbine provides a maximum output of between 6-6.4MW, making them the largest and most powerful onshore wind turbines available in the UK.

When all the turbines are operating at maximum capacity, together they will provide enough electricity to supply up to 33% of Sainsbury’s total electricity needs.

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Sainsbury’s director of property, procurement and EV ventures Patrick Dunne said: “We’re very proud to be investing in this state-of-the-art, sustainable source of new wind power, featuring the largest, most cutting-edge onshore turbines available in the UK.

“Now it’s completed, Longhill Burn Wind Farm can begin to realise its full potential, helping us take another massive step towards reducing our reliance on carbon.

Dunne added that Sainsbury’s was the UK retailer to purchase wind power for its estate in 2008.

“Our commitment to the future of Longhill Burn Wind Farm, which both enabled its construction and guaranteed its long-term viability, builds on our proven track record of investing in sustainable technologies,” Dunne continued.

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