Almost half (49%) of all used textiles in the UK are being thrown in the bin and destined for landfill, according to the latest research by recycling and circular economy charity Wrap.
Wrap: 3 out of 4 Brits say supermarkets should sell more loose fruit and veg
Almost three-quarters of Brits (74%) say supermarkets should be doing more to sell fruit and veg without plastic packaging, according to Wrap.
Sainsbury’s accelerates emission reduction targets as it looks to ‘protect and restore nature’
Sainsbury’s has committed to reducing scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 68% by 2030 as it sets scope 3 FLAG emissions targets for the first time.
Defra consults large food firms on reviving mandatory food waste reporting
The government is rolling out a new consultation on plans to revive the introduction of mandatory reporting on food waste.
British Glass and Wrap unveil roadmap to achieve 90% glass recycling by 2030
UK glass industry association British Glass and charity Wrap have unveiled a roadmap to achieve 90% glass recycling by 2030.
Amazon opens Second Chance Store to help customers shop pre-loved
Amazon has opened its first physical Second Chance Store, offering customers as much as 50% off a wide range of “quality returned products”.
Tesco backs ‘effective’ policy on fresh fruit and veg plastic ban
Tesco is backing an “effective government intervention” on banning fresh fruit and vegetable plastic.
Wrap doubts ‘crucial’ plastics targets will be met ahead of 2025 deadline
In a new report NGO Wrap says it does not believe crucial plastics targets will be met in time for the government’s 2025 deadline.
Quirky new UKTV campaign tells viewers to keep food waste in check
A new UKTV advert will see the channel collaborate with climate action NGO WRAP to encourage viewers to make more sustainable choices.
Aldi trials blister pack recycling in a supermarket first
Aldi is trialling a blister pack recycling scheme for its own-label medicines in a UK supermarket first.