An anti-greenwash guide has been launched to help advertising and PR agencies navigate the complex landscape of sustainable marketing.
Ad Net Zero appoints lead climate advisor to drive best practice
Ad Net Zero, the global climate action programme for the ad industry, has appointed Dr. Bill Wescott as lead climate science and policy advisor.
Extinction Rebellion activists infiltrate McCann Worldgroup London HQ in protest at Saudi Aramco repitch
NGO Planet Tracker urges shareholders to shake up advertisers’ ESG approach
A new report from NGO Planet Tracker has slammed various advertising companies for their lack of ESG commitment.
B Lab to conduct review into Havas x Shell case
Ad agency McCann under fire after repitching for fossil fuel client Aramco
McCann is repitching for its ongoing contract with oil giant Aramco, despite “growing unease” about supporting the fossil fuel industry.
WPP tops list of agencies with most fossil fuel contracts
New research from Clean Creatives has uncovered 500 fossil fuel contracts from 294 different agencies over the past year, with WPP topping the list with 55.
Havas Media slammed for taking on Shell account
The global marketing company Havas Media is set to take over Shell’s B2C media buying strategy, the fossil fuel giant has confirmed.
Sky Zero Footprint Fund sustainability advertising winners announced
Sky has announced five winners of its Sky Zero Footprint Fund, recognising the sustainable value of a range of brands with a share of a £2 mn fund.
Plastic bottled water market set to grow by over 10% in four years
Big water bottle brands are forecast to grow by more than 10% in the next four years, with calls to tighten up advertising rules.