Lloyds has appointed its first group director of sustainability and responsible business.

The banking giant has appointed Khadija Ali, who is returning to the bank, to the role. Ali previously served as the bank’s interim director of environmental sustainability between 2021 – 2022.

In the newly created role, Ali will be responsible for leading the group’s social sustainability and environmental sustainability teams. She will report to the group’s chief sustainability officer, Andrew Walton.

She joins from EY where she led the UK Climate Change and Sustainability Services practice, advising global financial institutions on sustainability-focused strategic initiatives, including target setting, climate transition planning, commercial strategy, responsible business and disclosures.

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Ali will work across the business to further integrate sustainability outcomes into business priorities, to help Lloyds deliver on its net zero ambitions.

Lloyds Banking Group chief sustainability officer Andrew Walton added: “We are delighted that Khadija has joined us as our group director of sustainability and responsibility.

“I’m confident that her leadership will help us to push the pace and ambition of our delivery, progressing our strategy and working towards our net zero commitments”.

Last year, Lloyds committed to reduce its direct carbon emissions by 90% by 2030 compared to a 2018/2019 baseline.

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