Delphis Eco customers saved over 3,000 tonnes of carbon in a year

Eco-friendly cleaning products company Delphis Eco says it helped its customers make over 3,000 tonnes of carbon savings in the past 12 months.

Eco-cleaning is big business these days, with cleaning firms looking to improve their sustainability spurs.

Delphis Eco says it has helped all its customers achieve 3,338 tonnes of carbon savings in the last 12 months- equivalent to 283.7 million plastic bottles manufactured.

The carbon saving has been achieved by customers purchasing cleaning products from Delphis Eco, rather than using conventional cleaning products.

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Delphis Eco launched personalised carbon reports for customers earlier this year, meaning that customers can see how its products are helping them cut emissions.

Last year the company launched a pilot scheme with courier service Quiver to trial “emission-free same-day and next-day deliveries for its London business and retail customers”.

Mark Jankovich, CEO of Delphis Eco said:”. Our bespoke carbon reporting, which is an industry first, not only enables us to understand our total impact as a business but also goes into the granular detail of the breakdown of this impact.”

In January this year, sustainable cleaning brand Smol achieved B Corp certification, highlighting its ambition to be a “different” and “better” business.

Delphis Eco was founded by Mark Jankovich, a British entrepreneur and philanthropist, in 2007.

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