Kantar partners up with Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Data giant Kantar has become a partner of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the circular economy charity as part of its bid to become a world-leading circular economy expert.

Jonathan Hall, managing partner of Kantar’s Sustainable Transformation Practice said the business was “uniquely placed to embed the benefits of circularity in major parts of the global economy”.  It

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works to develop and promote the circular economy as a solution to global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution.

The partnership will aim to marry up the foundation’s experience in circularity with Kantar’s consumer engagement and sustainable marketing expertise. It also builds on both companies’ prior collaborative research projects on communicating the circular economy.

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Hall said the business works with 800 of the world’s leading brands: “providing actionable sustainability advice and consultancy”.

“We are, therefore, uniquely placed to embed the benefits of circularity in major parts of the global economy,” he added.

Joe Murphy, executive lead, network, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, added: “Kantar has an ambition to change the way business works. With their position at the intersection of consumers and brands, their advice and advocacy can have a real impact on driving systemic change.”

Last year, the, Ellen MacArthur Foundation said global signatories of a UN commitment to reduce plastic have outperformed their peers.

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