BT teams with Small Business Britain to boost green efforts

BT has teamed up with Small Business Britain (SBB) to boost the green efforts of millions of small firms across the UK.

The ‘BT Sustainability for Small Business’ programme comes as research finds almost two-thirds of small firms (64%) feel they have do not have enough support to help them become more sustainable.

The programme, which launches this month, will empower small businesses across the UK to better understand their environmental impact while embracing more sustainable practices and opportunities for change.

Consisting of research, policy engagement, and a series of webinars and training, the free programme will include a series of six-week courses focusing on key sustainability topics, such as digital marketing, financial planning, and social media.

Michelle Ovens CBE, founder of SBB, said: “With the growing climate crisis the importance of sustainability for small businesses is only set to rise and there are huge opportunities for smaller firms to drive positive change here and open up new opportunities for growth too.

“Small businesses need more support to play this important role, so we are excited to be launching this new programme with BT to provide greater guidance, support, and direction to help them upskill in this area.”

Delivered online, the programme will help equip small firms with the skills and knowledge required to run more sustainable operations.

Delivered by leading industry experts, the programme is also complemented by one-hour webinars on critical topics to provide deeper dives into key subjects such as measurement, accreditation, and financing.

As part of the wider partnership Small Business Britain and BT will also continue to host a series of ‘Netwalks’ aimed at giving entrepreneurs a chance to network with other local businesses on outdoor walks, to share ideas and experiences, and build connections.

Additionally, Small Business Britain and BT will continue to offer free monthly webinars, helping companies upskill in areas such as digital marketing, financial planning, and social media.

BT will also continue to support the nationwide Small Business Saturday roadshow ‘The Tour’, which will visit towns and cities across the country this autumn, alongside offering a digital programme of support and mentoring free to small firms.

BT has also teamed up with UK Business Climate Hub (UKBCH) to help the UK’s 5.5m SMBs make inroads to halve their emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050.
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