New recycling rules for Welsh businesses and charities come into effect

Businesses, public sector organisations and charities are now legally required to separate their waste ready for collection in Wales, following new laws being introduced.

The Workplace Recycling regulations bring businesses and other organisations in line with household waste requirements across most of Wales.

Under the new workplace recycling rules, businesses will be responsible for separating waste into six streams.

Metals, cartons and plastics must be disposed of in one bin, paper and cardboard in another while glass will be collected alone as will all food waste.

Unsold textiles and any small electrical items must also be placed into individual bins.

Figures show 75% of business waste is recyclable, but too much ends up being sent to landfill and incineration plants, critics argue.

The move by the Welsh government is part of its plans to try and get to net zero waste and reduce emissions by 2050.

Speaking to the BBC, Clare Dent, who runs a gallery and cafe in Brecon, said: “Businesses are fully behind the principle of recycling our waste.

“However, our concerns are around a lack of support and communication on the ground.

“There are also going to be access issues with so many bins on the street, aesthetically it doesn’t look good.”

Cabinet secretary for Climate Change, Huw Irranca-Davies said: “Wales is already the best in the UK for domestic recycling and third best in the world.

“We now want to improve the quality and quantity of recycling from workplaces. This is an important step towards reaching zero waste, reducing our carbon emissions and tackling the climate emergency.

“We want to keep materials in use for as long as possible. With the costs of materials rising, keeping high quality materials in use will help our economy and support our supply chains.

“It will also improve the quality and quantity of recyclable materials collected from workplaces, which will in turn capture important materials to be fed back into the Welsh government.”

Last year, it was revealed that a north Wales council was imposing £100 penalty fines or court action on residents who do not adequately recycle and get rid of their rubbish properly.

Circular economyClimate crisisMaterials and packagingNature and the environmentNewsSupply Chain

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