British Crisp Co launches ‘world’s first’ 100% recyclable paper crisp packet

The “world’s first” fully recyclable paper crisp packet has been launched by the British Crisp Co, with the new eco packaging expected to launch in UK in the coming weeks.

Founder Tom Lock said consumers had been demanding a fully recyclable paper packet “for some time”.

“Brits consume over eight billion packets of crisps each year and the majority of those packets are not recyclable and end up in landfill or incinerators – that’s a lot of waste and a huge environmental problem,” he said.

The innovation has been launched in partnership with paper-based packaging manufacturer EvoPak, and is the fruits of three years of R&D work at the independent snack company.

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Lock added: “In partnership with Evopak and using exciting new polymer technology, we have created the first fully recyclable crisp packet – something that consumers have been demanding for a long time.”

A combination of paper and a green-friendly material called HydropolTM, the packets feature a thin layer of vacuum-deposited aluminium ensuring the crisps maintain their freshness.

The packaging is OPRL (on-pack recycling labels) approved, which means the bags can legitimately feature the green ‘recycle’ logo, ensuring that consumers know they can be recycled along with regular paper and cardboard.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Wembley Stadium can boast the world’s first fully recyclable football pitch.

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