EPR amendments are a ‘big win’ for the wholesale sector

The UK government has updated the extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations to ensure that business-only packaging will not be classified as household packaging.

Federation of Wholesale Distributors (FWD) chief executive James Biebly said the amendment to the upcoming legislation is a “big win” for the wholesale sector, as the previous rules would have had a “major financial impact”.

Previously, the definition of household packaging in the EPR rules had resulted in some business-only packaging attracting a cost obligation for wholesalers. For some members, this would have run into millions of pounds.

However, following six months of extensive engagement with Defra, the Environment Agency and the FWD, the government has amended its definition to ensure that business-only packaging will not be classified as household packaging in the EPR regulation.

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“The household waste definition would have had a major financial impact on our members and meant a substantial increase in their operational expenses, posing an unsustainable burden, particularly given the wholesale sector’s already thin profit margins,” Biebly added.

“For some, this would have run into millions of pounds a year. It is great that government has listened to our concerns and is adopting an approach which reflects the market as it actually is.

“The new regulations recognise that, which is great news for wholesalers, customers and consumers,” he continued.

The new guidance is expected to be published in February 2024.

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