Sanofi to measure CO2 emissions in paid media across all markets

Sanofi is set to measure CO2 emissions in paid media campaigns across all markets in a new partnership with digital marketing business Jellyfish and data specialists Scope3.

The pharmaceutical company will use a carbon calculator to cover eight different channels, across 35 countries and all brands within the Sanofi Consumer Healthcare division.

Sanofi global head of media, digital and strategic planning Prasad Sridhar said the health company has “accelerated [its] commitments” and is “strengthening resilience” to climate change.

“This ranges from mitigating dependencies on resources to addressing the growing impact of climate on media choices,” Srindhar added.

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The latest partnership is a move in its commitment to achieve ad-net zero by 2030.

Sanofi already had success reducing carbon emissions with Scope3 in early 2023 tests and is expanding carbon measurement and reduction with this partnership.

To achieve this goal, Jellyfish is leveraging Google Cloud to host a data lake and working with Scope3 to measure CO2 emissions.

“Our partnership with Jellyfish is key in this journey, as it will help us to measure our current carbon footprint and bring insights to help us reduce our carbon footprint,” Sridhar said.

“We are super excited to take this big leap towards measuring 100% of our digital media carbon footprint across markets across brands.”

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