OEP: UK government remains ‘largely off track’ to meet climate ambitions

The UK government remains “largely off track” to meet climate ambitions, the Office for Environmental Protection has warned.

The OEP’s annual report analysed progress towards legally binding environmental targets and the goals of its Environmental Improvement Plan (EIP) between 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

OEP chair Dame Glenys Stacey stated that despite improvement, “substantial challenges remain”.

“Our assessment is that government is largely off track to meet its ambitions and its legal obligations,” Stacey added.

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Targets where government is largely on track relate to specific pollutants and wastewater. Targets where government is largely off track span most EIP goal areas and include residual waste, sustainable fisheries, chemicals and improving nature.

Most progress has been made on reducing some environmental pressures – such as emissions of some air pollutants, greenhouse gases and chemical pollutants.

The OEP found that the government is largely off track the goal of achieving ‘thriving plants and wildlife’, government is largely off track.

It is partially on track (‘clean air’ and ‘reducing the risk of harm from environmental hazards’), and in one area, ‘enhancing beauty, heritage and engagement with the natural environment’, progress could not be assessed due to a lack of evidence.

The OEP has listed a range of recommendations for the government including:

  • implement the Environmental Improvement Plan 2023 effectively
  • develop and implement clear and effective governance
  • develop and implement delivery plans
  • set and vigorously pursue clear and achievable interim targets
  • develop and implement an effective monitoring, evaluation and learning framework
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