Sushi Daily launches ‘first-of-a-kind’ salmon skin chopstick sleeves

Sushi retailer Sushi Daily has launched “first-of-a-kind” salmon skin chopsticks sleeves which have been recycled and turned into marine leather.

The 1,150 limited edition sleeves are made from 938 salmon skin cut-offs, which would otherwise have been thrown away at five Paris-based Sushi Daily kiosks.

The limited-edition product will contribute to the company’s target to reduce food waste by 50% by 2025.

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The food company’s marketing director Romy Miller commented: “We are committed to reducing materials and food waste, and making chopstick holders out of salmon skin is our latest innovation.

“The reusable set of metal chopsticks and upcycled custom holder adds another feel-good dimension to the sushi experience and what’s more, we’ve ensured every part of the production process is environmentally friendly too,” Miller added.

To reduce food waste, the company has raised £655,000 for charity Action Against Hunger with their ‘Forgotten Ends’, which sees artisans at kiosks making a rice salad pot made up of sushi roll ends as they are cut off to look neat.

Sushi Daily also has a partnership with food surplus marketplace Too Good To Go.

Circular economyFood and farmingMaterials and packagingNewsRetail

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