Harrods expands beauty recycling scheme following successful trial

Harrods is rolling out its beauty packing recycling scheme to all of its H Beauty stores following a successful pilot in collaboration with MyGroup.

The trial last year – where customers brought used products in exchange for rewards through Harrods’ MyBeauty scheme – saw 200kg worth of beauty packaging and products diverted from landfills and successfully recycled.

Harrods Beauty director of buying Mia Collins said the scheme emphasises the retailer’s “dedication to sustainable products”.

“Upholding our promise to minimise waste and increase recycling across the business, our collaboration with MyGroup remains pivotal in propelling this mission forward,” Collins added.

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“Together, we’re leading a transformative journey towards recycling and circularity in the beauty industry, in line with the Harrods brand commitment to responsible practices,” she continued.

MyGroup director Steve Carrie added: “Our commitment to innovation and sustainability is at the forefront of a revolution in the waste industry, and through initiatives like this scheme, we’re setting new standards for what can and can’t be recycled, and leading the charge in making sustainability a cornerstone of retail.”

In order to boost its circular offerings, the luxury retailer recently partnered with The Handbag Clinic to offer in-store repair for leather goods.

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