Nestlé pilots electric heavy goods vehicles

Nestlé is introducing two new electric heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) to test them as a possible way to reduce the company’s carbon footprint in the future.

The two Volvo FM Tractor units have a driving range of 120 miles, which is sufficient to travel between several planned distribution points and factories across the UK.

As well as producing zero tailpipe emissions, they also make significantly less noise than their diesel equivalent.

Nestlé transport manager David McGhin said the company has been “early adopters” of electric vehicles in the FMCG industry.

“We’re keen to test and learn what they can do as they could have a significant part to play in our journey to net zero, both here in the UK and as a global business,” McGhin added.

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Nestlé has also invested in charging infrastructure at its sites in York, Halifax, Tutbury, and logistics warehouse East Midlands Gateway.

“With any new technology, we need a huge amount of engagement from the people who will use it every day,” McGhin added.

“The drivers have welcomed the arrival of the BEV trucks and recognise the role they can play towards Nestlé’s commitment to net zero – they will be crucial players over the coming months.”

To reduce its transport emissions elsewhere, Nestlé recently had a successful double-stacked rail trial with Tesco to increase rail freight volume and support its drive to reduce CO2 and its reliance on diesel road freight.

Food and farmingNet zeroNewsSupply Chain

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