Bristol Airport installs solar farm to generate 10% of energy needs

Bristol Airport has installed a solar farm on its grounds that will generate 1.5 GWh of sustainable electricity each year – or 10% of the airport’s annual energy needs.

When combined when combined with the renewable energy which is already on-site, the 2.8-acre solar farm will cater for over 10% of Bristol Airport’s annual energy needs.

The solar installation will generate the equivalent amount of electricity needed to power 388 houses in the first year. Over its 25-year lifespan, it will save around 6,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

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The news comes as Bristol Airport launches its sustainability strategy, with a new interim target to cut carbon emissions across its operations by 73% by 2027.

The airport aims to reach net zero across its operations by 2030 and will collaborate with partners to accelerate zero emissions flight deliveries.

Bristol Airport director of planning and sustainability Clare Hennessey said: “A sustainable business is one that is both environmentally and socially conscious.

“Our sustainability strategy responds to priorities raised by our stakeholders, setting clear goals and targets for the next five years, establishing a transparent benchmark against which we will report our progress.”

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