Greenpeace attacks Dove for single-use plastic with shocking stunt

Greenpeace has planted a subversive redesign of the iconic Dove branding outside Unilever’s headquarters, slamming the company for its shocking use of single use plastic.

It follows the release of a damning Greenpeace report which revealed that Unilever sells 1,700 single use plastic sachets every second, with the sachets being marketed heavily in countries in the Global South including the Philippines.

The redesigned logo, which was created by Greenpeace alongside independent design agency Pentagram, switches the famous blue and light logo up to black and white with the iconic bird lying deceased above the new ‘Real Harm’ strapline (a play on Dove’s Real Beauty slogan).

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The campaign group is calling on Unilever to phase out single-use plastics from its operations and transition to reuse within the next ten years, and urges the company to advocate for the same level of ambition at the UN Global Plastics Treaty (which cuts production by at least 75% by 2040).

“Behind Dove’s squeaky clean public image lies a true story of real harm. Despite telling the world it cares about people and the planet it’s pumping out a devastating amount of damaging single-use plastic every single minute,” said Greenpeace plastics campaigner Anna Diski.

“It’s professed values run totally counter to the reality that it’s pushing some of the worst plastic pollution, sachets, onto communities least able to cope with this overwhelming waste. And often it’s the women and girls Dove claims to champion who are left to handle the impacts of this waste.”

“Our new campaign and its bold, striking design brings this reality into the full glare of the sunlight so the world can push the brand and its owners to change”.

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