NHS outlines ‘critical infrastructure’ to reach 2040 net zero goals

NHS has revealed “critical infrastructure” it will be putting in place to reach its net zero goals by 2040.

Its corporate services provider NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) has launched a new framework to help the healthcare provider implement infrastructure in its travel and transport services.

The framework comes as data revealed that emissions from travel and transport account for 14% of its overall carbon footprint.

The healthcare company said its staff travel emissions will be reduced by 50% by transitioning to more sustainable forms of travel and electrification of personal vehicles.

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For example, from 2030, all new ambulances will be zero emission vehicles and from 2040, all owned, leased and commissioned vehicles will be zero emission.

However, the SBS say that to reach this target, the Trust needs relevant infrastructure in place. For example, electric vehicles (and e-bikes) will require power charging infrastructure, and the means to tap into renewable energy like solar, to store and generate the power to fuel them.

SBS senior consultant specialist Anjub Ali commented: “The NHS has set out ambitious goals en route to net zero 2040.

“Our framework agreement provides all NHS organisations with a convenient and compliant way of purchasing a wide range of sustainable transport services and infrastructure to help it get there.”

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