John Lewis joins forces with Biffa and Timberpak to close furniture loop

Biffa has joined forces with waste recycling firm Timberpak Ltd to offer a new closed loop circular recycling scheme for the John Lewis Partnership.

The scheme will see Biffa collect and sort waste wood from John Lewis’ Milton Keynes facility and transport it to Timberpak Limited’s site in Leeds.

It will then be turned into carbon negative Eurodekor Faced  Chipboard by Timberpak’s sister company EGGER, it will then be used  for the furniture, interior design and building industries

The produce, which contains 40%  recycled wood, will be used to create kitchen cabinets that will re-enter John Lewis’ supply chain.

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JLP director of ethics and sustainability Marija Rompani added: “We are proud to launch the Biffa and Timberpack recycling scheme which is designed for more efficient use of resources while embracing business models that support circularity.”

“Avoiding waste and minimising the resources we take to create our products, extending the life and use of raw materials is critical to moving towards a circular economy.”

“We are looking forward to developing and working together to achieve our net zero ambition,” she continued.

Timberpack business development manager Connor Paterson said: “We are delighted to be working alongside Biffa to provide a sustainable wood recycling solution for John Lewis.”

He added: “The waste wood we process is used to produce the high-quality kitchen cabinets that John Lewis supplies, so it is the perfect partnership, and extends the closed-loop cycle we operate across our sites”.

Biffa corporate account manager Joshua Jolliffe added that “enabling a successful circular economy” is a key part of their strategy.

He added: “We are looking forward to developing this partnership and working together to achieve our net zero ambition”.

Materials and packagingNewsSupply Chain

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