Unilever to share ice cream recipe with industry to tackle freezer emissions

Unilever is set to share 12 reformulation patents with the ice cream industry after two pilots demonstrated a decrease in freezer emissions.

Access to the patents will allow the industry to reformulate ice cream to remain frozen at a freezer temperature of -12°C rather than the current industry standard of -18°C.

Unilever’s two pilots confirmed an energy reduction of around 25% per freezer cabinet at the warmer temperature of -12°C, which is better for the environment and more cost effective.

The research comes as emissions from retail ice cream freezers account for 10% of Unilever’s value chain greenhouse gas footprint.

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The FMCG company is currently aiming to reduce ice cream freezer cabinet energy consumption through new technical components and exploring ways that they can be powered by renewable energy.

Unilever chief R&D officer ice cream Andy Sztehlo said: “We’re pleased to take this next step in our work to increase the temperature of our last mile ice cream freezer cabinets.

“By granting a free non-exclusive license to these 12 reformulation patents, we hope our peers and partners from across the ice cream sector will benefit and work to tackle emissions across the industry.

“We believe through collaboration, we can reduce the cold chain’s impact on the environment, while continuing to deliver the great quality ice cream products our consumers love,” Sztehlo added.

EnergyFood and farmingNewsSupply Chain

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