Hubspot scoops SBTi validation across 2040 commitments

The business-focused platform Hubspot gets SBTi validation for its 2040 commitments, including reducing scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 90% by 2040 from a 2019 base.

In addition to the long term target, the brand commits to reducing scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from business travel by 55% per employee by 2030, as well as ensuring that 70% of its suppliers have science-based targets by 2027.

The move signifies that Hubspot is taking steps to keep its facilities in line with the Paris Agreement to keep temperatures at no more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

It will also see the brand look towards net zero by focusing on key areas encompassing making buildings sustainable with energy efficiency technologies including solar panels, providing resources for employees to reduce their carbon footprint, and sustainable criteria in new building leases.

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“Having our targets validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative is an important milestone on our climate journey, and one step towards a net zero carbon future,” said Hubspot director of ESG Yogesh Chauhan.

“The climate crisis requires collective action and bold solutions, and we’re committed to work with our customers, partners, and the wider tech industry to build a brighter future for generations to come,” he continued.

Outside Interactive head of sustainability Kristin Hostetter added: “At Outside, sustainability is at the forefront of our mission and we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. To get there, we are focusing on addressing the carbon intensity of our business and working closely with our vendors and partners to bring more renewable energy into our supply chain”.

“As a HubSpot customer, it’s been invaluable to learn about HubSpot’s path to net zero as we pursue our own decarbonisation journey.”

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