Nestlé has reported significant progress in reducing its packaging and improving waste management.
The company has reduced its amount of virgin plastic by 10.5% since 2018 and its on track to reach 1/3 less virgin plastic by the end of 2025.
The brand cut the weight of its total product packaging by 200,000 tonnes in 2022 and reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 280,000 tonnes. In addition, the brand is testing packaging alternatives by piloting reuse and refill systems having run over 20 reuse and refill pilots in 12 countries.
The company also cut the weight of its total product packaging by 200,000 tonnes in 2022 and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 280,000 tonnes.
It has also increased the amount of recycled plastics used in products, with over 7% of the company’s plastic packaging waste recycled content – with the aim of getting close to 30% by the end of 2025.
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In addition, over 80% of Nestlé’s total plastic packaging is designed for recycling – with the brand aiming for more than 95% of its packaging to be designed for recycling by the end of 2025.
Last year, the activists from Greenpeace and Break Free From Plastic sent plastic waste back to the company along with anti-greenwashing demands.
The company has extensive criticism in the past over its baby milk scandal, which saw it market formular milk in developing countries where there were safety concerns about water quality.
“We are continually pursuing better packaging solutions where we can have a direct impact,” Nestlé head of ESG strategy and deployment Antonia Wanner said.
“With our in-house packaging experts and scientists, we are developing the next generation of packaging materials as well as redesigning packaging for the circular economy.”
“In addition, we promote better infrastructure systems for waste management, advocate for harmonised regulation, and encourage behavioural change.”