M&S partners with FareShare to donate 1m meals by Christmas


Marks and Spencer has announced a new partnership with FareShare to help combat food waste by donating one million meals before Christmas.

As part of the partnership the retailer will work with one of its biggest food suppliers 2 Sisters Food Group to donate meals from the Eat Well range in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

The meals are being donated as part of a drive by the retailer to help assist the 13 million people who are facing food insecurity in the UK.

“Making great quality, delicious and nutritious meals is what we do at M&S Food and its hugely important to me that we make this as accessible to as many families as possible,” said M&S director of food managing director Alex Freudman.

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“So I am hugely proud that we are coming together with our supplier partners and supporting FareShare by flipping our mindset from using food that is too good to waste to innovating to use capacity that is too good to waste.”

FareShare CEO George Wright said: We’re incredibly grateful for the support from M&S who, by providing a million meals, will help so many people struggling at this time of year. Demand for our food has skyrocketed, and the 8,500 charities we provide food to have seen firsthand how more and more families and working people have been forced to seek help”.

“Food insecurity, which currently effects one in four people, fuels both hunger and loneliness. The charities we support, which include homelessness shelters, after school clubs, and older people’s lunch clubs, will be working harder than ever this winter. We’re proud to be part of this partnership with M&S and 2 Sisters Food Group, helping get more food to people in need, strengthening communities across the UK”.


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