Santander expands nature restoration partnerships with National Parks UK

Santander UK has expanded its nature restoration partnerships with National Parks UK.

The bank will support the development of an innovative nature financing platform in the Lake District National Park designed through Revere to secure investment to fund the creation of nature-based solutions that are designed to improve water quality in lakes and rivers, enhance biodiversity and build natural climate resistance.

The solutions will include wetland creation to slow water flows and woodland planting in high impact locations such as along riverbanks.

Santander has been working with the National Parks since 2021 and co-founded ‘Net Zero With Nature’ initiative which places UK landscapes at the heart of the fight against climate change and the biodiversity crisis.

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As part of its commitment, Santander supported the restoration of 200 hectares of damaged peatland in the Cairngorms National Park.

Santander director of communications and responsible banking Andrew Wilson said: “The new collaboration to help deliver landscape restoration at scale in the beautiful Lake District is an innovative way to drive the pace and scale of local nature-based solutions.

“The project to improve biodiversity and water quality in the area, and to build climate resistance, is incredibly important and it is exciting that Santander can continue to be involved in facilitating nature restoration of this kind.”

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