Purina has announced first carbon reduced pet food range

Purina Europe has announced its first carbon reduced pet food range, as part of its work towards Nestlé’s ambition of reducing its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030.

So far the range has reduced its carbon footprint by 15.7% compared to a 2019 baseline – based on a Life Cycle Assessment which measures the environmental impact of each product.

The reduction has been achieved by changes including buying renewable electricity for factories where the range is made and selecting ingredients with the right nutrients and a lower carbon impact.

The changes have been verified by South Pole, which verifies the greenhouse gas emissions reductions project and strategies of companies.

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“At Purina, we’re committed to producing healthy, nutritious pet food that you can trust. But that’s not all. We believe the health of our environment is as important as providing high quality pet food products,” said Purina Europe marketing director Fabio Degli Esposti.

“Purina ONE DualNature is the first Purina product range that has announced a reduction of its carbon footprint, but it’s just the beginning. Purina Europe is striving to contribute towards Nestlé’s wider ambition of reducing its CO2 use by 50% by 2030.”

He added that Purina is continuing to prioritise reducing the use of virgin plastic in the packaging process for the range, with Purina ONE Dual Nature’s bags made with 40% recycled plastic.

By 2025 the brand expects more than 90% of its packaging to be designed for recycling and to continue to work towards achieving 100%.

In an interview with Reuters last year, Nestlé’s ESG Chief Rob Cameron said he promised to do his upmost not to meet the 2025, 2030 deadlines in order to meet Nestlé’s target of achieving net zero by 2050.

Nature and the environmentNet zeroNewsSupply Chain

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