Ocado DDRS scheme shows positive results following trial

A digital deposit return scheme which trialled by Ocado has received positive results, following the pilot which saw at least 3,000 Ocado customers claim monetary rewards for two and four pint milk bottles.

The scheme tested out technology from recycling company Polytag via the Bower app, which saw customers gain the ability to scan codes printed on to Ocado’s own brand four and two pint milk bottles.

The scheme, which sent customers 20p to their digital wallet throughout the first 20,000 codes scanned and allowed customers to retrieve the money from their bank account, received positive results with reward claims totalling £4,000.

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Speaking to sustainability publication Edie, Polytag chief executive officer Alice Rackley said “Through cutting-edge technology and end-to-end packaging solutions, this project has delivered on what customers are asking for.”

“Today’s outcome is the result of years of public consultation, technological innovation, and stringent testing working to feed the appetite of consumers for retailers to offer real incentives for recycling.”

The news comes after the nationwide deposit return scheme was pushed back to 2025, and after a successful trial of at-home recycling in Wales.

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