Yazoo unveils sustainable bottle packaging to meet its 2025 goals

Yazoo is set to unveil new sustainable bottle packaging in a bid to make 95% of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025.

The new bottles are made from 100% recycled PET (r-PET), meaning that every part of every bottle, besides the sleeve and cap, has been made with plastic that has not only already been recycled but can be reprocessed once again to produce new bottles.

The milkshake brand has replaced the previous sleeve with a new perforated sleeve, adding an easy pull tab. Likewise, Yazoo’s redesigned bottles feature tethered caps to help reduce littering and support ease of recycling.

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Yazoo brand manager Maren Fuhrich said sustainability has “always been a key business focus” for the brand that aims to deliver against “meaningful measures” to reduce single-use plastic waste.

“Globally, by 2025, we endeavour to have 95% of our packaging recyclable and/or reusable, while by 2050, we aim to be fully climate neutral,” added Fuhrich.

Currently all Yazoo lids are made from HDPE (high-density polyethylene), which is widely recyclable.

Last year, the milkshake brand switched the plastic packaging on its Kids bottles for cardboard cartons in a step towards the milkshake brand’s sustainability goals.

“Planet-first products are of ever-increasing importance to consumers and retailers alike,” Furich said at the time.

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