Xampla researchers launch new compostable packaging brand

Cambridge based Xampla, which designs technology has launched a new consumer brand Morro, which will provide plastic-free, compostable packaging.

The brand states the materials used in the packaging are natural, and can be used in applications where the whole product can be cooked or eaten together; with the polymer based technology based on 15 years of research at the University of Cambridge.

The brand has previously worked with soft-drink manufacturer Britvic, and has successfully implemented items from edible stock cubes to vitamin microcapsules.

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The announcement comes as a survey of 2,000 UK adults showed that more than half (54%) see plastic as a “material of the past”, whilst around 76% of respondents prefer their plastic to come in packaging that is plastic free.

“The polling data shows that the public is already ahead of industry in seeing that plastic’s days are numbered. With the public ever more acutely aware of the dangers of plastic pollution and carbon cost of producing it, consumers are ready for innovative and practical alternatives,” said Xampla executive chair Pete Hutton.

“Morro will enable brands to make an easy switch away from single-use plastics, and our breakthrough material can do things plastics never could.”

Recently a range of supermarkets have introduced packaging changes – including Sainsbury’s use of a cardboard alternative to plastic trays, meanwhile Coca-Cola (which has been named the world’s worst plastic polluters) has said it envisages that 100% of its packaging will be recyclable by 2025.

During the first year of its Plastic Packaging Tax, which was introduced as a £200 per tonne levy on plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled content, HMRC collected £276 million.

Materials and packagingNews

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