Chartwells unveils plans to reach net zero by 2030

School and education catering company Chartwells has unveiled its plans to reach net zero by 2030.

The plan has three key areas of focus: food waste, education and menus & recipe reformulation.

Managing director Charles Brown said the catering company has been “working hard” to implement plans to support its business and parent company Compass to achieve net zero by 2030.

“As education caterers, I believe we also bear a further responsibility to educate and set a great example for the leaders of tomorrow – the children our frontline teams proudly serve every day,” he added.

The company aims to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030. To do so, Chartwells is tracking and targeting reduction across five different types of food waste: pre-production, post-production, plate waste, retail, and out of date waste.

As part of Chartwells’ food waste prevention, chefs are constantly innovating to create dishes with minimal waste and are encouraged to use all parts of the ingredient where possible.

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The caterer is also working with Foodsteps to provide insights of the carbon footprint of food items.

An initial analysis of Chartwells’ Spring/Summer menu calculated that 43% of the menu within the state primary school business is defined as “very low” impact, under Foodsteps’ carbon footprinting banding.

In its secondary business, 38% of Chartwells’ menu is “very low” impact, using the same methodology.

Moving forward, the company is committed to utilising a data-driven approach when developing its menus, as it continues to look at how best to reduce the carbon embodied across its menus within both the sectors it operates.

Chartwells is also educating pupils about sustainability through different workshops focusing on food waste, eating sustainability and bumblebee conservation.

Food and farmingNet zeroNewsSupply Chain

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