M&S is ditching plastic bags for life in favour of paper versions as it looks to provide customers with “the best and most sustainable paper bag possible”.
The new paper bags will be replacing the existing ecoloop plastic bags for life, with a stronger bag for M&S Food and a simpler one elsewhere in store.
The move is the culmination of a trial which began in January and will now roll out across the entire UK store portfolio.
Corporate affairs director Victoria McKenzie-Gould explained that, as paper is typically more energy-intensive to produce, M&S worked closely with University of Sheffield to develop a bag which “answered the paper vs plastic question”.
The cradle to grave assessment highlighted the key factors needed to make the move to paper bags more sustainable. As a result, the new paper bags are responsibly sourced (and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council), produced with renewable energy and can be reused multiple times.
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According to the retailer, the new, sturdier paper bags can be used up to 100 times but can still be easily recycled in household recycling bins. The bags are also water-resistant due to a natural resin applied during the manufacturing process.
“Our customers have always pushed us to lead on the issues they care about most, from animal welfare to reducing food waste,” said McKenzie-Gould.
“Reducing single use plastic is right up there too, which is why we’ve been busy finding ways to use less and making it easier for our customers to do the same.”
As the first retailer to introduce carrier bag charging back in 2008, over 70% of M&S customers do not currently purchase a bag at checkout.
“Our paper carrier bags have all the benefits of plastic bags but without the same environmental impact,” she continued.
“For the vast majority who already reuse their own bags, which remains the most sustainable option, not a lot will change. But on the odd occasion when we all need to reach for one more bag, we’re pleased to be offering a more sustainable option for customers.”
M&S will also be looking to find another use for the plastic collected in-store, which was previously turned into plastic bags for life.
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Hope these bags will be free – actually they should pay us to carry and advertise their name down the street. Often wondered why the big UK supermarkets don’t give us sturdy paper bags instead of charging 10p or more for a plastic one – oh of course, clue’s in the word ‘charging’, since that bag must cost about 1p to make. Meanwhile the supermarkets use plastic galore in their own food packaging, stiff single use plastic that won’t squash down in the bin. This is all a bit like e.g. hotels that urge us to not put towels for washing, or use a shoer not a bath – so incidentally saving the hotel money – but none of this greenogenic saving is ever passed back to the customer.