THG awarded for turning surplus products into fish feed

THG has been awarded the EMEA Circular Economy Transition of the Year Award for turning unused Myprotein products into fish feed.

The company’s chief sustainability officer Mark Jones said: “I am incredibly proud of the teams at THG who identified a problem surrounding Myprotein products that cannot be resold – and otherwise disposed of – and came up with an innovative solution to circularity.”

THG partnered with MYGroup to turn out of date Myprotein product into fish feed includes starting with batches being blended with other upcycled ingredients, creating a perfectly balanced diet of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

The combined ingredients and upcycled materials were then to produce a sustainable fish feed pellet.

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THG facilities manager Kenneth Henning said the team needed “truly creative thinking” to come up with a way to use up surplus protein products.

“Harnessing this innovation to deliver that closed-loop solution demonstrates THG’s move towards a more sustainable business with the overall aim to ‘leave the world a better place than we found it’,” he added.

The award for Circular Transition of the Year from The Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards specifically identifies companies working towards a more sustainable future by transforming their strategies and business models to meet core business requirements in a sustainable manner.

One Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards judge spoke of the project as: “An excellent initiative that delivers tangible positive environmental outcomes as well as a positive economic impact in reducing waste costs for the company and providing a useful raw material for MYgroup.”

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