Asda is first UK supermarket to launch sustainable toilet paper The Good Roll

Asda has made an exclusive deal with the sustainable household paper brand The Good Roll, which will see the Netherlands brand launch in the UK for the first time.

Made from 100% bamboo but free from chemicals like chlorine, colourants and fragrances, The Good Roll products also come in plastic-free packaging. The business also donates 50% of its profits to build and maintain toilets in places where a clean toilet is not a given.

The toilet paper will launch in the UK in July, priced from £3.50 to £6, including a ‘range’ of naked toilet rolls as well as colourfully wrapped rolls.

“We’re incredibly excited to be bringing our products to the UK for the very first time and are pleased to be working with Asda on this journey,” said The Good Roll founder Sander de Klerk.

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“We believe that clean water and safe sanitation are at the core of a healthy, happy and dignified life. That’s why we make and sell sustainable bamboo toilet paper and invest 50% of our net profit to the construction and maintenance of toilet facilities.”

“In addition, we care about making a positive impact on a local scale, which is why all our good rolls are wrapped and packed in social workshops in the Netherlands. By using The Good Roll shoppers are making a positive impact every time nature calls.”

Asda buying manager for household paper Sarah Yorke said: “We love everything about The Good Roll’s ethos – not only the positive impact they have in less developed communities but also the fact that their products are produced using sustainable materials, are fully recyclable and made in Europe so they don’t need to be shipped from the other side of the world.”

“We can’t wait to be able to offer our shoppers a more eco-friendly product within the Asda range.”

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