Nestlé drops its ‘carbon neutral’ pledge and cancels carbon offsetting

Nestlé has withdrawn its existing sustainability pledges to make certain brands – including KitKat and Nespresso coffee – ‘carbon neutral’ and will be stopping using carbon offsets.

The world’s largest food brand said that it will be instead be focusing on investing its money in cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

“We are moving away from investing in carbon offsets for our brands to invest in programmes and practices that help reduce GHG emissions in our own supply-chain and operations, where it makes the most difference to reach our net zero ambition,” a Nestlé spokesperson told Just Food.

“Our net zero roadmap does not rely on offsets. We focus on GHG emissions reductions and removals within our value chain to reach our net zero ambition.”

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Nestlé is working towards a target of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and is also aiming to cut its scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 20% by 2025, and by 50% by 2030.

The changes have been broadly welcomed across the sector, with many welcoming the FMCG giant’s move.

Strategic advisor and commentator Mike Barry said on LinkedIn that “offsets have a small role to play in net zero – in the future, not now.”

Freelance journalist David Burrows said Nestlé’s move away from using terms such as “carbon neutral” in corporate sustainability goals might lead to less greenwashing.

“Maybe this is the beginning of the end for carbon neutral (at least as a marketing tool), but maybe it’s also the start of a new era of credible carbon claims. Now it’s about ‘climate contribution’ and ‘funding climate action’,” he commented.

“Time will tell how companies (and their marketers) use the new claims, and whether once again some manage to abuse them.”

Climate crisisFood and farmingNet zeroNews

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